So I was just reviewing my old blog (pink-sugar-cube) and I came across something interesting.
was it the fact that all 5 of my posts had at least 5 comments when I blog daily on this and don't get one?
it was a quiz I had taken for the 7 deadly sins. probably taken one day when I was completely bored out of my mind. like now.
I had gotten envy, which is understandable as I was a very jealous child. ;3
So I had just taken it again, for fun. and this is my result.
You are Pride! This one is also called vanity. You are obsessed with yourself, pretty much. You love yourself and think you are the cat's meow. And most of the time, you're not. The world revolves around you. ('s the sun.) Your punishment in hell is: "being broken on the wheel"...whatever that means...Pride is linked with the horse and the color violet.
Okay NOT true.
just because I keep a mirror and makeup with me at all times, even in school doesn't mean I'm vanity.
LOL @ pic.
and just because I do my hair and makeup every morning for at least half an hour and choosing clothes which takes up another half.
DOESN'T MEAN I'm vain.
Is it just that I like to keep track of my appearance, that I don't like to appear sloppy and under made in front of others?
I guess there is a chance of taking it too far, for example I don't show up for breakfast until I look decent and appropriate.
For my standards.
Maybe it's just the fact I'm happy with what I look like.
I put effort into it, I should be proud.
And so what if I can't help taking a little pride into what I wear, how I hold myself, how I feel.
It makes me feel a little better and gives me more confidence in myself.
I'd rather be pleased with my reflection, no matter what than being all mopey and miserable because I can't measure up to what I see in the magazines. (Which is what I was last year) it's just the fact I'm happy with what I look like.
I put effort into it, I should be proud.
And so what if I can't help taking a little pride into what I wear, how I hold myself, how I feel.
It makes me feel a little better and gives me more confidence in myself.
I'd rather be pleased with my reflection, no matter what than being all mopey and miserable because I can't measure up to what I see in the magazines. (Which is what I was last year)
'excessive love of self'
That is what vanity is described as.
Maybe I DO love myself too much. :D
Who else is going to treat me better than my own self?
If I cannot love myself (the only thing I truly have), what chance do I have for anyone else?
I mean if I can look at myself in the mirror, look past all my flaws and imperfections and see only a beautiful and wonderful person on the other side of it, then I am truly sinful of vanity.
So maybe I AM a little prideful.
I don't care what about anyone thinks.
I'm loving every moment of it.
p.s I just noticed my photobucket username was VANITYPLEASE.
LOL ;3
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