Sunday, December 13, 2009

How's your life?

Because who doesn't love reading other people's questionnaires?
Just kidding. I'll try to make it entertaining.


1] What was the highlight of your week? A stoner skateboarding in the snow called out to me and then he slipped on the ice. ;]
2] Who's car were you in last? My moms.
3] When is the next time you will kiss someone? Hopefully next week.
4] What colour shirt are you wearing? Black. Had to look professional for volunteer.
5] How long is your hair? Barely touches my shoulders.
6] Last movie you watched? Some straight-to-DVD failure of a movie. T_T
9] Last thing you ate? Oranges and Dragonfruit. (:
10] Last thing you drank? Chinese 'cleansing' soup. What a crock.
11] Where did you sleep last night? My bed. Where else would I be?
13] Are you happy right now? My house is freezing. And I haven't done any homework yet. So no.
14] What did you say last? I told my mom to stop saying non-relevant things. She babbles about random shit non-stop so I start not listening at some point.
15] Where is your phone? Good question. *searches* Oh it's in my pocket.
17] What color are your eyes? Black. They're a very dark colour. Nothing interesting about my eyes people! e_e
19] Who came over last? My tutor.
20] When was the last time you had your heart broken? Never.
21] Who/what do you hate/dislike currently? Him, him and him.
22]What are you listening to right now? *puts on Sorry Sorry*
23] If you could have one thing right now what would it be? Lunch. I'm hungry ; ;
24] What is your favorite scent? Marc Jacobs Daisy but I always forget to wear it..
25] What makes you happy at the moment? Knowing life can't possibly get any worse.
26] What were you doing at midnight last night? Probably repainting my nails. My friend messed them up D:
30] Are you left-handed? Nope.
31] Spell out your name without vowels: My. Hah!
34] What's for dinner tonight? I had stir-fry rice with beef and meat skewered on a SWORD. It was aiight. (:
35] When Is your Birthday? Next week. I'm getting old! Time to start lying about my age.
36] Who was the last person to send you a text message? Lily.
37] Are you in love? Should I be?
38] Last time you went swimming in a pool? It's December right now.. and I don't like swimming.. So probably last year. =/
39] Where was the last place you went shopping and with who? Me, lily, annie and bobby in oakridge.
40] How do you feel about your hair right now? It fucking sucks. D: Time for a Britney Spears buzzcut!
41] Do you have any expensive jewelery? No.. I don't see the point. I don't wear it anymore.
42] AIM or MSN? Neither. Can you say old school?
46] Where does most of your family live? In china.
47] Are you an only child or do you have siblings? Only child. Although I do have a 'twin' (:
48] Would you consider yourself to be spoiled? Not really. My mom makes me do everything myself to force 'independence' on me. Great fucking job mom.
49] What was the first thing you said when you woke up? "shit. I'm late for volunteer!!"
50] Do you drink beer? No, it has a weird taste.
52] Myspace or Facebook? Facebook.
53] Do you have T-Mobile? What the heck?
54] What is your favorite part of school? Nowadays... nothing really. ):
55] What type of boy/girl do YOU usually fall for? Funny, smart guys.
56] So you think smoking is a turn off? Oh yeah.
57] Do you have any talents? I can fail harder than anyone you've ever met. :D
58] Have you ever been a part of a wedding? My auntie's!
59] Do you want any children? Yes. Two girls (no boys, they're icky) named Paris and Angel. ^^ Yes, I'm completely serious.
60] Did you take a nap today? Naps are for cats and babies.
62] Ever met anyone famous before? I met myself in the mirror today. I was so star-struck I fainted.
63] Do you want to be famous one day? The rabid fan-girls kinda turn me off o-o
64] Favorite Actor/Actress? Taylor Launder. Because he's hot.
65] Describe the one you love in one word: Invisible.
68] Do you believe in Karma? It hasn't bit me yet. Maybe it's scared of me. . and for a good reason too.
69] Does anyone love you? Yeah.
70] How many pairs of shoes do you own? *counts* 19.
71] Flip Flops or Sneakers? Sneakers, Flip flops are UNDERWEAR FAIL.
72] Ever been to Las Vegas? When I was young. I danced on the laps of many strippers ;o I was a PIMP
73] What are you doing today? I had two shifts of volunteer, grabbed some lunch, went back home, watched a bit of TV and am blogging right now.
74] Have you ever wanted to kill someone? HO YEAH. With my fucking Death Note! >=DD
75] When is the last time you updated your blog? That's what I'm doing right now. Shhhhh
76]What is your favorite word? Alrighty. After that is Hot Mess.
77] Ever been to Disneyland/world? Yep! When I was 9
78] Do you have a favorite cartoon character? Marry me, Stewie! =o
79] Last thing you cooked/made? LOLOLOLOLOL. I don't cook. Anything that doesn't involve a microwave.
80] How’s the weather? It was SNOWING OUTSIDE AND I SLIPPED ON SOME ICE.
Not bad, and yours?
83] Last time you were sick? Sept. Guess that H1N1 vaccine is my personal bodyguard.
84] Do you currently have a crush on anyone? Crushes are SO preschool. (:
85] Do you think anyone will repost this? I doubt it.

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