So I saw Avatar the other day (finally!) at around 9:30 pm at my local movie theater. I was given a funky looking pair of 3D glasses that I already had no intention of returning. I arrived half an hour before the movie started and 90% of the seats were already filled. What in tarnation.. So I was forced to choose a seat near the front.
The movie plot line went along a little something like this. Jake Sully, a paralyzed ex marine is selected to go to Pandora and inhabit an avatar body after his twin brother was murdered. An avatar is a 10 foot tall creature with blue skin and amber eyes. Dr Grace Augustine, a chain smoking, blunt woman and Norm, a nerdy anthropologist also have avatars and accompany Jake into the Pandora. Jake attracts the attention of some monsters residing in the jungle and he runs for his life, losing Grace and Norm in the process.
During the night, a pack of creatures resembling rottweilers corner Jake. A Na'vi named Neytiri saves his wise cracking ass and leads him to the Hometree.. She was about to kill him before but a sign from her goddess, Eywa, told her not to. Okay then. The clan distrusts Jake but Neytiri's mother shows interest in teaching him the Na'vi ways. Neytiri is assigned to train him and teach him the Na'vi language.
Colonel Quaritch promises Jake new legs in exchange for information about the Na'vi and try to relocate them from the Hometree, because it's sitting on top of some sort of rare rock.
Jake is initiated to the clan and he and Neytiri fall in love. The Colonel discovers that Jake has no intention of relocating the Na'vi and swarms Pandora with troops. Jake reveals his mission to the clan and they-are-PISSED. The Na'vi take Jake and Grace captive when the Colonel's forces show up. They destroy Hometree, killing many members of the clan.
Jake and Grace are arrested but then broken out by pilot friend, Trudy. During the escape, Grace gets wounded. Jake tames this boss red monster and the Na'vi attempt to heal Grace. She dies before they could complete the ritual. Jake gives a speech about staying together and fighting for their homeland or some shit.
They have an epic battle.
Heavy causalities on both sides. The animals in Pandora join the fighting and the Na'vi win the fight. The American douchebags are removed from the planet. Jake transfers his soul permanently into his avatar.
Bottom line?
The movie Avatar was just okay. It wasn't bad but it wasn't mind blowing either.
I think a lot of the hype just got to me and I expected a lot more from it. All my friends had told me that the movie was 'incredible' and 'amazing' and that they had gone back to see it multiple times. So I walked into the theater expecting to see a decent film with awesome visuals, witty dialogue with an interesting plot. I was disappointed.
The graphics were pretty cool, I'm not going to lie. But it was really nothing I had seen before. I guess it didn't help that I saw The Lovely Bones, Lord of the Rings and 2012 all within two weeks before seeing Avatar. But seriously, everything seemed so familiar! The storyline, characters, the conflict and even the effects! And about halfway through the movie, I forgot that I was watching a multimillion dollar project and thought I was watching an animation. The 3D visuals were a nice touch but I felt really dizzy and nauseous, especially during the fight scene.
The storyline. Dragged on FOREVER. About 35 minutes through the movie, I was seriously contemplating taking a walk outside and coming back to see if the movie had picked up a bit. The plotline was simple to understand, I just didn't know why they had to spend a third of the movie explaining what was happening. I had no patience with the slow storyline. It
The 3D visuals were a nice touch, but I found myself getting dizzy and nauseous at some points in the movie. was extremely obvious what was going to happen at the end, anyways. It needed less conflict-building and MORE PANDORA!
I thought Avatar was alright, but it was definitely not as good as all the critics raved it was. And I've noticed that everyone ignores the predictable storyline, cheesy dialogue and wince-inducing acting just because of all the special effects. EXCUSE ME? Fancy CGI animating and 3D effects are not the only thing that makes a successful movie. Just because there's beautiful visuals and brilliant graphics, the rest of the movie is forgivable?
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