Yesterday 200 masked protesters stormed downtown Vancouver, trashing cars and businesses. They covered windows in spray paint and smashed the Hudson's Bay windows on Granville. They also put barbed wire on the street when the torch was being brought down Commercial Drive, forcing it to be rerouted. The protesters blocked off roads and carried signs and threw newspaper boxes into the streets. Security had to be brought in and many arrests were made.
All I have to say is.. What the Fuck is wrong with you people?! MUST you take a great thing to happen to our city and turn it into absolute nightmare because of your constant riots and vandalism? This is such an embarrassing thing to happen to Vancouver, and at the worst possible timing. It would have hurt less if you protested right when 2010 Olympics were announced. But now that the whole WORLD is here, it is beyond humiliating for them to witness all that shit you protesters do, with us seemingly having no control over the situation.
Protesting peacefully would have been accepted as there will always be those against the Olympics and what (they think) it stands for. But seriously? Graffiti? Barbed wire? And covering your faces so no one recognizes you? GROW THE FUCK UP. How dare you do this to Vancouver (which is your home BTW), during her most exciting moment in history.
Has a good thing happened to you in your life? How about I go and completely fuck it up so no one else can enjoy it. Wow, you got a brand new purse? I'm going to spray paint the hell out of that thing and let's see how you react. Got lent your parent's spiffy sports car? How would you like it if I smashed those windows and key the side of the door, a la Carrie Underwood? Oh you are given the honor of giving a huge speech for your school/the whales? Hows about I reach in and take the mic from you and say that Beyonce had the best video?
Disgusting. Vancouver protesters are the new Kanye West of the world, interrupting someone's good moment for their own selfish desires.
And I love it because I have a front row seat for this train wreck, happening right under my nose, and I cannot even do anything to stop it.
Oh wait. Maybe I can. Next time I see those damn gangsters in the streets trying to be hardcore by smashing shit instead of protesting peacefully, I'll march up right to their faces. I'd tear up their pathetic posters and beat their asses for inconveniencing the great city of Vancouver.
Shame on you.
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