Safe Tanning for Summer

Before I begin, allow me to explain the apparent contradiction.
There is no way of getting a tan without having even a slight risk for burns or skin cancer. However, for those who want that healthy, bronze, sun goddess look.. there are ways to achieve it while being safe and avoiding danger.
Why tan? :
* Most people like to get that gorgeous golden glow when summer time rolls around. It's like a recurring trend.
* To show social class. Ex: In olden China, the paler one's skin colour is, the better. This shows that they are very wealthy and do not need to work under the sun and just lounge around all day inside. In the West, if one is very bronzed, it can be inferred that person is free of obligations and have the license to lay on a beach all week with their friends. I guess this can explain why I'm so pale LOL
* To appear healthy. A casper white body can look a little out of place and sickly during the summer.
* To be social. Tanning with friends is a good way to pass the summer and hang out together.
* To gain some good ol' Vitamin D. A deficiency in this causes rickety bones.
Why not? :
* The real and very serious concerns of skin cancer, not to mention it speeds up the process of aging skin and leaves sunspots. I don't need to write a lot about this topic to showcase the importance of this point.
* Sunburns. They hurt like hell and then skin starts peeling away..
* Tans fade and need to be maintained regularly- it's a commitment people! Skin cells are shed from the body constantly and as a result, the tan will fade.
* Tanning ages the skin prematurely and will result in wrinkles earlier in the future
How to tan:
Old Fashioned Way

Oh, lather on some sunscreen and lay down underneath the big old shiny thing in the sky, right?
Woah, woah, whoa. Hold up there, that's not all there is to it. There are some rules and guidelines I like to go by personally.
*First of all, never suntan between the hours of 10 AM - 2 PM. That is when the sun is at it's peak and it's hottest. While this might seem like optimal bathing temperatures to some, the sun is intense during those hours and increase the chances of getting burned, or worse.
* Some people like to burn their skin on purpose, because it "gives a better base for their tans". Those people are idiots. There is absolutely nothing that backs up that theory and the more damage one does to their skin, the higher likelihood of skin cancer.
* Apply sunscreen when tanning. Yes, another contradiction, I'm full of them today. Sunscreen protects the skin from the sun's harmful UVA and UVB rays and helps prevent sunburn. I recommend a low SPF sunscreen for tanning, such as 15. A low dosage is still effective and remember to reapply after swimming and after a few hours.
* Lips can be easily burnt, so use a lip balm with some form of SPF in it. Some lip glosses have weird shimmer that reflect sun, burning spots on the face.
* Especially if one burns easily, don't forget to apply sunscreen everywhere! Easily forgotten places are: back of neck, ears, soles of feet, behind knees, back of hands.
Tanning Beds

Tanning beds give off UV lights due to the sunlamps embedded inside the machine.
For more information on tanning beds and how to use them, click here.
Self Tanning
Self tanning, or tan in a can, is basically applying a product to your skin in order to darken it and give that coveted bronze... no sun necessary! Self tanners come in an aerosol can to be sprayed, or as a liquid or cream from a tube. Professional airbrushing is available at upwards of $60.
Before applying self tanner, make sure to exfoliate the skin well to maximize the absorption. Use disposable gloves when applying, you don't want your palms darken and make it obvious! Rub tanner on each area of the body gently and thoroughly. Pay special attention to areas that crease and have bends. Sit still and don't move a muscle (or don't move around) until all the tanner has dried (this will vary, depending on the product)! Then pull on some loose clothes and avoid contact with water for a few hours. Reapply self tanner once a week to maintain colour.
Get a good quality bottle and do not over apply. You do not want to be streaky or look orange. Jergens Natural Glow is a cult favorite.
Self tanner is not a replacement for sunscreen.
Sunburn Prevention and Treatment

Symptoms of a sunburn include red skin, blisters, flakiness of skin and pain. When it feels like a sunburn is developing, it's best to get out of the sun immediately.
A cold compress, aloe vera gel, baking soda bath and hydrocortisone cream will help relieve the redness and pain. Do not pop blisters and wear loose clothing.
So that's it, I wish you all a happy and safe summer (:
Enjoy your summer tan!
And Old Navy was having a sale on their flip flops. I couldn't miss a great deal so I picked up 8 pairs of them!~
Summer footwear, all set.
Before I begin, allow me to explain the apparent contradiction.
There is no way of getting a tan without having even a slight risk for burns or skin cancer. However, for those who want that healthy, bronze, sun goddess look.. there are ways to achieve it while being safe and avoiding danger.
Why tan? :
* Most people like to get that gorgeous golden glow when summer time rolls around. It's like a recurring trend.
* To show social class. Ex: In olden China, the paler one's skin colour is, the better. This shows that they are very wealthy and do not need to work under the sun and just lounge around all day inside. In the West, if one is very bronzed, it can be inferred that person is free of obligations and have the license to lay on a beach all week with their friends. I guess this can explain why I'm so pale LOL
* To appear healthy. A casper white body can look a little out of place and sickly during the summer.
* To be social. Tanning with friends is a good way to pass the summer and hang out together.
* To gain some good ol' Vitamin D. A deficiency in this causes rickety bones.
Why not? :
* The real and very serious concerns of skin cancer, not to mention it speeds up the process of aging skin and leaves sunspots. I don't need to write a lot about this topic to showcase the importance of this point.
* Sunburns. They hurt like hell and then skin starts peeling away..
* Tans fade and need to be maintained regularly- it's a commitment people! Skin cells are shed from the body constantly and as a result, the tan will fade.
* Tanning ages the skin prematurely and will result in wrinkles earlier in the future
How to tan:
Old Fashioned Way
Oh, lather on some sunscreen and lay down underneath the big old shiny thing in the sky, right?
Woah, woah, whoa. Hold up there, that's not all there is to it. There are some rules and guidelines I like to go by personally.
*First of all, never suntan between the hours of 10 AM - 2 PM. That is when the sun is at it's peak and it's hottest. While this might seem like optimal bathing temperatures to some, the sun is intense during those hours and increase the chances of getting burned, or worse.
* Some people like to burn their skin on purpose, because it "gives a better base for their tans". Those people are idiots. There is absolutely nothing that backs up that theory and the more damage one does to their skin, the higher likelihood of skin cancer.
* Apply sunscreen when tanning. Yes, another contradiction, I'm full of them today. Sunscreen protects the skin from the sun's harmful UVA and UVB rays and helps prevent sunburn. I recommend a low SPF sunscreen for tanning, such as 15. A low dosage is still effective and remember to reapply after swimming and after a few hours.
* Lips can be easily burnt, so use a lip balm with some form of SPF in it. Some lip glosses have weird shimmer that reflect sun, burning spots on the face.
* Especially if one burns easily, don't forget to apply sunscreen everywhere! Easily forgotten places are: back of neck, ears, soles of feet, behind knees, back of hands.
Tanning Beds
Tanning beds give off UV lights due to the sunlamps embedded inside the machine.
For more information on tanning beds and how to use them, click here.
Self Tanning
Self tanning, or tan in a can, is basically applying a product to your skin in order to darken it and give that coveted bronze... no sun necessary! Self tanners come in an aerosol can to be sprayed, or as a liquid or cream from a tube. Professional airbrushing is available at upwards of $60.
Before applying self tanner, make sure to exfoliate the skin well to maximize the absorption. Use disposable gloves when applying, you don't want your palms darken and make it obvious! Rub tanner on each area of the body gently and thoroughly. Pay special attention to areas that crease and have bends. Sit still and don't move a muscle (or don't move around) until all the tanner has dried (this will vary, depending on the product)! Then pull on some loose clothes and avoid contact with water for a few hours. Reapply self tanner once a week to maintain colour.
Get a good quality bottle and do not over apply. You do not want to be streaky or look orange. Jergens Natural Glow is a cult favorite.
Self tanner is not a replacement for sunscreen.
Sunburn Prevention and Treatment
Symptoms of a sunburn include red skin, blisters, flakiness of skin and pain. When it feels like a sunburn is developing, it's best to get out of the sun immediately.
A cold compress, aloe vera gel, baking soda bath and hydrocortisone cream will help relieve the redness and pain. Do not pop blisters and wear loose clothing.
So that's it, I wish you all a happy and safe summer (:
Enjoy your summer tan!
And Old Navy was having a sale on their flip flops. I couldn't miss a great deal so I picked up 8 pairs of them!~
Summer footwear, all set.
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