I thought it would be interesting to outline all the horrible 'no nos' when it comes to women's fashion. So here the cover of my own version of fashion sins I see committed everyday. And if it weren't enough to make you claw out your eyes, I've also decided to model some of them. Cheers!
**Friendly reminder: These are all My opinions and MY photographs. If something mentioned happens to be your thing, then that's great for you and I won't try to stop you. I'm mostly kidding anyways.**
7 Deadly Fashion Sins
Punishable by fashion police.
1. Ill-fitting Clothing

One of the major faux pas I have is with people wearing either extremely baggy clothing or skintight items that forces fat rolls out. When buying an item, Numbero Uno in my book is FIT (the second being comfort, Lmao)! If it's too tight in an area or this other part is too loose, put it back. Don't trick yourself into thinking you're gonna get it altered, because you're gonna forget.
2. Socks with Sandals
*shudder* All the joy of airing out your feet, while still keeping them toasty warm? Not seen anymore, probably due to popular word-of-mouth, however some old men still do this.
3. Dressy + Gym mixed
I hate it when I see these girls wear a cute top, paired with sloppy sweats. It's a glance down UGH. It's like they were trying to dress nice to go out, but gave up halfway and opted for a old pair of gym pants for completion. I think this is what they call sweaty chic. Honey, it pains me to see two halfs trying to make a whole pizza. Choose one or the other; either pick a good pair of jeans or have a comfy day and finish it with a hoodie. Don't try to make the two worlds touch, because they don't like it.
4. Fake and Flashy

Even though not everyone can afford designer brands (not yet, girl, but just save up...), one shouldn't purchase a fake purse just for the brand name and recognition. For the $40-$80 you just forked over, you could have bought a decent name brand purse with good quality. Remember, it's not the OUTSIDE that matters.... it's how well they stand up to being tossed and abused everywhere, and trust me, that knockoff isn't gonna survive ;) Also, fakes are easily spotted to a trained eye and you can't fool them!
5. Revealing Strings

Sometimes it's by accident. A shirt slips and a bra strap is exposed, low waisted jeans show a peek of fabric. Oftentimes it's not. I'm so tired of hoochie mamas with their shirts falling off them and G-strings pulled up, still showcasing an innocent 'Oh my, I didn't even know, but isn't it cute' vibe. Please, girl, you're not fooling anybody.
6. Colour Explosion

It's like a rainbow force-vomited all over you. Good gracious, I need sunglasses to even look at you! Try to tone it down a bit, or you'll be responsible for all these souls slamming into walls.
7. Unnecessary Layering

DEATH by layering! Two or three tanks is cute, skirt and leggings are fine, tee and shirts are nearing ehhh. Unless one is contemplating on a chilly vacation to the Arctic Circle, there is no need to choke yourself with fabric.
Forgive me darling, for I have sinned.
**Friendly reminder: These are all My opinions and MY photographs. If something mentioned happens to be your thing, then that's great for you and I won't try to stop you. I'm mostly kidding anyways.**
7 Deadly Fashion Sins
Punishable by fashion police.
1. Ill-fitting Clothing

One of the major faux pas I have is with people wearing either extremely baggy clothing or skintight items that forces fat rolls out. When buying an item, Numbero Uno in my book is FIT (the second being comfort, Lmao)! If it's too tight in an area or this other part is too loose, put it back. Don't trick yourself into thinking you're gonna get it altered, because you're gonna forget.
2. Socks with Sandals
*shudder* All the joy of airing out your feet, while still keeping them toasty warm? Not seen anymore, probably due to popular word-of-mouth, however some old men still do this.
3. Dressy + Gym mixed
I hate it when I see these girls wear a cute top, paired with sloppy sweats. It's a glance down UGH. It's like they were trying to dress nice to go out, but gave up halfway and opted for a old pair of gym pants for completion. I think this is what they call sweaty chic. Honey, it pains me to see two halfs trying to make a whole pizza. Choose one or the other; either pick a good pair of jeans or have a comfy day and finish it with a hoodie. Don't try to make the two worlds touch, because they don't like it.
4. Fake and Flashy
Even though not everyone can afford designer brands (not yet, girl, but just save up...), one shouldn't purchase a fake purse just for the brand name and recognition. For the $40-$80 you just forked over, you could have bought a decent name brand purse with good quality. Remember, it's not the OUTSIDE that matters.... it's how well they stand up to being tossed and abused everywhere, and trust me, that knockoff isn't gonna survive ;) Also, fakes are easily spotted to a trained eye and you can't fool them!
5. Revealing Strings
Sometimes it's by accident. A shirt slips and a bra strap is exposed, low waisted jeans show a peek of fabric. Oftentimes it's not. I'm so tired of hoochie mamas with their shirts falling off them and G-strings pulled up, still showcasing an innocent 'Oh my, I didn't even know, but isn't it cute' vibe. Please, girl, you're not fooling anybody.
6. Colour Explosion
It's like a rainbow force-vomited all over you. Good gracious, I need sunglasses to even look at you! Try to tone it down a bit, or you'll be responsible for all these souls slamming into walls.
7. Unnecessary Layering
DEATH by layering! Two or three tanks is cute, skirt and leggings are fine, tee and shirts are nearing ehhh. Unless one is contemplating on a chilly vacation to the Arctic Circle, there is no need to choke yourself with fabric.
Forgive me darling, for I have sinned.
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