This is not how you research, I know.
But at 12, I thought all there was to it was to make up soap recipes and stir ingredients all day long.
I think I wanted to call my business "Amy's purple angel glitter soap inc."
That dream died really fast.
I did manage to get quite a few interesting recipes which are quite unique.
I shall share them for the interest of any fellow 12 year old entrepreneurs to be.
Note: All of these are extremely simple recipes and with mostly natural ingredients. I preferred them because back then, I could not run out and buy a tub of lye to play around with.
Chocolate lip gloss
2 tsp Petroleum Jelly
1/8 tsp Honey
10 mini chocolate chips
1/8 shortening
Steps: 1. Carefully mix all ingredients into a container.
2. Put in microwave and heat for 20 seconds.
3. Take out, stir and repeat until fully melted.
4. Pour into a small container and freeze for 15 minutes until solid.
Kiwi Lip Gloss
1 tsp coconut oil
1 tsp Petroleum Jelly
1-2 drops kiwi extract or oil
Steps: 1. Mix coconut oil and jelly together until smooth and creamy.
2. Add Kiwi extract one drop at a time with an eyedropper.
3. Stir well and scoop into a clean lip gloss container.
Chocolate milk bath
1 cup powdered milk
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1 tbs cornstarch
1/2 tsp cinnamon
Steps: 1. Mix all ingredients in a small bowl.
2. Run hot bath water and pour amount of mix you want into the tub.
3. Stir to dissolve.
Chocolate milk bath 2
1 cup unscented bubble bath
1/2 cup skim milk powder
1 tbs cocoa powder
Steps: 1. Mix milk powder and chocolate well.
2. Stir in bubble bath until very well mixed- no clumps!
3. Pour under running water
Foaming Vanilla bath
1 cup oil (Sesame, olive, almond)
1/2 cup honey
1/2 liquid soap
1 tbs vanilla extract
Steps: 1. Mix together all ingrediants and pour into a clean bottle with a lid.
1. Shake before using. Pour 1/4 cup into bath under running water.
Bath Jelly
1/2 cup water
1 envelope unflavored gelatin
1/2 cup liquid soap
scent or perfume (optional)
food coloring (optional)
Steps: 1. Heat the water until boiling and dissolve the gelatin in it.
2. Remove from heat, stir gently and blend in liquid soap. Do not whip mixture.
3. Pour mixture into mold. Put in fridge.
4. When jelly has set, pop out gently and slice into wedges.
Goddess Bath powder
2 cups nonfat milk powder
2 cups baking soda
1 cup kosher salt
2-3 drops of essential oil
Steps: 1. Mix ingredients together. Store in an airtight jar.
2. Scoop out and sprinkle in the bath.
3. Stir to dissolve.
Easy molded soaps
6 cups grated soap
1/3 cup water
1/4 dried lavender, ground almonds or oatmeal
Essential oils
Cookie cutters
Steps: 1. Prepare molds by oiling the cookie cutters and covering one side with aluminum foil. Plave on cookie sheet.
2. Mix soap and water and melt over a stove on medium heat while stirring. Do not boil.
3. Add your fragrance, dried herds, nuts, grains- whatever you want.
4. Working quickly, spoon or pour your solution into your prepared molds.
5. After 4-5 hours, it should be hard enough to unmold. Pop out of the cookie cutter and allow to cure for at least 2 weeks in a dry and dark environment.
Perfume Sample Bath Oil
2-3 vials of perfume
1/2 cup sweet almond oil
Steps: 1. Fill a small bottle with almond oil and empty perfume samples into it.
2. Let sit overnight.
3. Pour into a filled tub.
Argh I had more but I'm too lazy right now. Maybe tomorrow.
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